Friday, December 31, 2010


yeay it's nu year. no partay2 okayh.
ada ancaman terrorist attack sini. takleh kuar mana2
tapi jiran2 tempe (tempe tu orang tempatan) sumua nak berlawanan mercun sapa paling macho kan. waddahel je dah2 ar tu tempe!!!!! busuk arr korang

okay la, da masuk tahun baru 1.1.11 ni, ingatnye nak lupakan benda2 yang tak best penah jadi masa taun 2010 and good sweet memories je yang nak simpan. biasala, darah muda memang selalu buat salah and semua pun rasa macam tak kena.

so, 2011 be good to me alright!!!
okay tak cukup satu, aku buat beribu ribu ribu lemon entry malam ni
nak citer pasal hidup seorang penjual sayur. eceh, tak tak. pasal azam la.
k k sebenarnye azam ni bukan nya nak start lagi pon. habis final exam 2nd year april 2011 nanti baru nak start menunaikan kot. kirenye azam starting 3rd year la ni.
aku harap2 la kan aku ni tak la semandom aku yang edisi 2010 ni.
so apa azam2nye membebel je lebih. yela, ni dia haa:
-baca buku rajin siket la deyyy...clinical years ni penting nih...tak kan nak mengelak kena amik case history je kan.. ish3

-lead a healthy life. makan tu jaga.. gym daftar balik..

-mastering my guitar playing. or any other instrument perhaps? drums, keyboards...
i hope i'll be able to play at least one. at least one yea mate.


ooo, malam tahun baru. takde apa yang cool terjadi dekat kawasan B.E.L road ni... takde bunyi mercun ke bunyi party liar ke. it's just another quiet cold calmy night of December.
oh btw, untuk pengetahuan, sini december memang musim sejuk. mungkin berlarutan ke bulan February. sejuk gila Bangalore nih.
dekat desktop siap tempek gadget yang bagitau temperature untuk masa tu.
ni dia ada sikit research pasal cuaca hari last 2010 ni, and weather forecast for this coming week.

memang la tak sesejuk UK US kan, tapi ni kalau mandi pagi2 tak pakai heater, memang bleh dapat convulsion and shock ni. frost bite pon bleh dapat. lebih2 lak kan frost bite tu.

whatever it is, 2010 has brought loads of meaningful memories and experiences to me.
not forgetting all the fucked up things i've gone through while trying to live life in this period of time of my life as a student. (well, student life memang banyak kenangan suka duka bla bla gaduh dengan kawan, housemate, housemate lari pindah umah lain haha, rasa nak tikam or jerut orang dari belakang, nak try benda baru itu ini sampai takleh beza baik buruk, buat jahat dengan orang bla bla banyaknye cakap cam sial je)

tulah dia. hope we'll have a new great 2011 year ahead.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Yesterday, went out to buy sarees and shits to be brought back to Malaysia. Next month that is December, i'll be home!!! I feel SUPER GREAT for this homecoming. Why? Because my sistah is getting engaged! And I get to have Malaysian fucking foods that is so so so awesome. I can't wait.

And so, this is the picture of a new pair of sandals i got yesterday. This shoes are so rad i love it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

In the Hot Hot Hairs

Ooo can't believe i am now, currently, are getting into singers and actors with facial hair that has the so-called jesus and hippy look.
Besides the good music or great acting or whatever that they have showed, the hairy and messy look is one of the factors of why some people are very fond of them.
The ones that have caught my eyes are Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes), Sam Beam (Iron & Wine), Seth Rogen and some other that i can't think of right at this moment.
For the time being, my choice are the ones with very hairy and messy bearded face. It looks cute though. LOL
I imagine them as a bear that we can hug and cuddle and it feels so comfortable...
Haha i better stop here, afraid that i'll say something that is beyond my innocenity. Is there any word Innocenity? i just made that word out

Ingat lori 3 roda ada dekat India je ke?

Tak silap, gambar ni dekat London, UK.
Diorang pun ada lori comel macam yang versi India dekat bawah ni

Comel dok? Comel kan. Hahah

My All of a Sudden MAJOR WISHLIST

*A car in Malaysia. Yeah, hell yes, my own freakin car using my own money without having a job yet! Hahahah I'm really serious about having a car. Yep.



*Get to learn how to play a guitar. I own a guitar already but still don't have a chance to take lessons on how to play it.

*Visit Europe (especially London, Paris, Amsterdam)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Kelas yang Gelap

Kenapa mesti bila lecturer atau cikgu bila pandang kita time diorang mengajar,
secara automatiknya kita akan mengangguk kepala macam burung belatok sebab nak tunjuk yang konon kita paham. Kalau tak paham pun, kita ngangguk jugak.
Aku la tu...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Oh Brown Leather Jacket (OBLJ),
I want you OBLJ...
Where can I get you OBLJ...
I once saw Liyana Jasmay had you on her body OBLJ...
Please come to me OBLJ...
Mesti nak kena carik la macam ni!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This week's favourite movie of mine

with awesome casts i must say; ellen page, kristen wiig, drew barrymore
everyone must not miss this movie laaa
especially for those who love roller skating sports.
me is included because i love rollerblades..

Friday, January 22, 2010

Of holgagraphy

Pictures of my experimentation with Holga

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This is just a random post because i don't know what to do + a bit depressed + a bit insane (lunatic)